Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cure for Cabin Fever?

Our family has belonged to Berkshire Country Club for the last few years. I know this sounds fancy, but when we joined it was pretty much a golf course and that was it. After his deployment in 2004, My husband wanted to join, he loves to play golf and this would give him the opportunity to play anytime he pleased. It wasn't an extravigant cost for the entire family... so we joined and he has benifited greatly. I do like to play golf, although I'm not any where close to good, it is fun just to whack that little ball! LOL The picture on this blog was from a couple of years ago, but I haven't changed that much, although I have lost a few pounds, I still have the belly ponch and the pancake butt.

Late last year the club upgraded their facilities and put in a fitness center. I was excited about the new facilities and was looking forward to going in and checking things out. It took me a little time to gather up the courage to go in, I know it's silly, I belonged to the club I shouldn't feel intimidated, but I was. Life catches up to you and 40 is just around the corner, as you can see, I'm no where close to the picture of fitness and I had images in my head of completely buff men and itty bity skinny women all doing their thing and my rolly polly self .... well you get the picture.

Recently, I learned that my natural mother and sister had purchased golf clubs and they have invited me out for a round when the weather finally turns warmer. So, I have been excited to get out there and warm up my golf swing for that reason too.

Tonight my son told me that a great friend of mine, Kim and her son had finally joined the club were going to be there in about 30 min. Oh, now I have to face my fears! I had asked her to join around New Years. We were talking about New Year's resolutions and fitness was on both of our lists. Well, so here I was trying to figure out how to say no, and the look of excitement in my son's eyes, I just couldn't say no. So off we went to check out the club!

It was awsome, beyond their 18 hole golf course, they now have a gym, all sorts of fitness equipment, pilates, yoga, fitness dance and a half a dozen more classes all complementary to the members. A private hot tub for the ladies! Also available for a cost is massage therapy, personal fitness training. Pretty awsome and everyone was quite pleasant... I felt like a fish out of water but if I stood a few moments looking perplexed, someone - not even a person who worked there offered to help.

It looks like I have found a healthy alternative to my cabin fever! Dillon is very excited and wants to get up first thing in the morning and go work out again... we'll see how motivated he really is... If weather permits I do want to go and warm up my golf swing at the driving range tomorrow afternoon and check out the Zumba fitness dance class (hopefully they will be as much fun as bellydance classes were a few years back.) Isn't it funny how life gives you signal after signal and nearly beats you to death until you get a clue.

Hopefully by summer I'll be fit enough to be able to wear a bathing suit without feeling like a beached whale and have the energy to keep up with my guys!

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