Thursday, August 16, 2007

SouthWind Gallery 15 years; 50 Artists

SouthWind Gallery Celebrates 15 Years With 50 Artists

Posted: 9:09 AM Aug 13, 2007
Last Updated: 9:09 AM Aug 13, 2007
By WIBW 13 News

It may be hot outside, but there’s a very cool art exhibit going on at SouthWind Gallery in Topeka.

In honor of their 15th Anniversary, SouthWind Gallery and Framewoods of Topeka are celebrating with an exhibit of works by more than 50 artists!

The exhibit, “15 Years; 50 Artists”, opens at SouthWind Gallery, 3074 SW 29th Street, Topeka, on August 13, 2007 and runs through September 15, 2007.

SouthWind’s list of featured artists for its 15th Anniversary show reads like a “who’s who” among Kansas artists.

Included in this prestigious exhibit are nationally-known artists Roger Shimomura, Ernst Ulmer, Stan Herd, Hugh Greer, Stephen Johnson, Jim Hamil, Jonathan Knight, Judith Mackey, Kim Casebeer, Phillip Hershberger, Anthony Benton Gude, and Kwan Wu. The impressive list includes many other well-known artists: Bev Amudson, Phil Epp, Louis Copt, Mike Savage, Barbara Waterman-Peters, Joan Parker, Doug Osa, Jerry Gaddis, Kevin Sink, Dana Hassett, Judith Lennox Sabbatini, Janet Bailey, Lila Bartel, Carol Bradbury, Barry Busch, Donna Carrington, Daniel Coburn, Delores Purdy Cocoran, David DeArmand, Steve Denny, Michael Duane, Wilbur Elsea, Hartzel Gray, Louise Brock Hamilton, Mike Henry, Hobart Jackson, Apollonia Jamison, Cally Krallman, Lois Kruse, Michelle, Leivan, Scott Lennox, Todd Matson, Esther May, Linden May, Nicole McClure, Stan Metzger, Ed Miller, Beverly Nichols, Gary Ozias, Ed Pointer, Johnne Richardson, Matthew Richter, John Roush, Deb Schroer, Clay Stauffer, and Mike Walsh.

In addition to the exhibit, a “Featured-Artist Reception” and unveiling of the featured artists’ works will be held daily at SouthWind Gallery August 13 – 17, from 4:00- 6:00 p.m., with the featured artists of the day present for the event. The public is invited to attend any or all of these receptions.

Featured Artists Reception Schedule:

Monday, Aug. 13: Judith Mackey; Barbara Waterman-Peters; Esther May; Linden May; Michael Duane; and Deb Schrorer.
Tuesday, Aug. 14 : Hobart Jackson; Stephen Johnson; Steve Denny; Phillip Hershberger; and Bev Amudson.
Wednesday, Aug. 15: Dan Coburn; Lois Kruse; Joan Parker; Mike Walsh; and David DeArmond.
Thursday, Aug. 16: Kim Casebeer, Cally Krallman; Doug Osa; Lila Bartel; and Mike Henry.
Friday, Aug. 17: Stan Herd, Beverly Nichols; Gary Ozias; Carol Bradbury; Donna Carrington; Hartzell Gray; Anthony Benton Gude; and Louise Brock Hamilton.