Sunday, March 02, 2008

My Aura

This weekend I went to the Mind, Spirit, Body Fair here in Topeka. They hold this fair twice a year and it's always fun and interesting.

Every year I pass by a colorful booth boasting to photograph your aura. I have always wanted to do it so, this year my new sister-in-law and my brother went with me and I told them about my interest and they encouraged me to do it with a bet... I asked them what color my aura was going to be. They both mentioned blue and purple... I told them I thought it was going to be like Damion's, Black LOL. I only said that because I had no idea what color to expect. Then, while I was sitting in front of a dark background waiting for the photo to be taken, my brother asked my sis-in-law what color she saw, and she said yellow.... imagine that.

I thought the reading was fun, interesting and telling. being that my tolken color is yellow, I paint extensively with yellow I don't think that I've painted anything without putting a yellow undercoat at some point in the piece. Not to mention my yellow figures from a few years back.

If you haven't been seen this kind of thing, here is a description:


Surrounding every living being is an electro-magnetic energy field known as an aura. This field vibrates and fluctuates at various levels. The frequency of the vibration determines the color of the aura. The intensity of the vibration determines the intensity of the aura. The frequency shows your inner state, and this is what we measure.

This unique state of the art camera measures and then records your auric field. The bio-feedback collectors send messages to the computer to print out the description of your aura. From this information and the translated energy analysis, the camera records your aura on Polaroid film.

The colors represent the different vibrational levels in your electromagnetic field, each being a particular aspect or having a particular meaning for each person. This is determined by your physical condition at the time, your emotional state, and the thoughts that you are thinking. Your spiritual, chemical, cellular, social, and genetic being all influence the aura. Your aura changes as your physical, emotional and mental state change.

These colors in your aura may indicate the following:

Red- Activity or movement, passion, sexuality, masculine energy, leadership qualities, strong will, vitality, motivation, generosity; forceful or stubborn nature, anger, rage, fear. Red is the color connected with the reproductive system.

Orange- Artistic creativity, compassion, sensitivity, harmonizing, healing; uncertainty, impressionability, naïveté. Orange relates to the adrenal glands.

Yellow- Intellect and intelligence, personal power, scientific minded, independent, ingenuity, mental agility, self-starter; controlling, judgmental, perfectionism, stubbornness, anxiety or worry. Relates to the spleen and the life energy force.

Green- Healing/teaching energy, renewal or change, magnetic, abundance, calming; physical discomfort, deception, distrust or doubt, naïveté. Relates to the thymus and immune system.

Blue- Communication, learning, calm and peaceful disposition, emotional health, faith and trust, inner-voice certainty, clarity, integrity, creativity; melancholy, immaturity, obsessiveness, spiritual arrogance, cold personality. Relates to the thyroid and metabolism.

Violet- Intuition and psychic ability, spiritual activity or information, trance mediumship, transmutation, therapeutic healing, protection; heart or stomach trouble, arrogance, superiority. Relates to the pineal and pituitary glands.

White- High spiritual development, consciously applied protection, natural healing, high metabolism; shyness, scattered energy, stress, tension, nervousness, chemical presence.

Here is how mine is read:

Left Side (future)
The color on the left side is normally the vibration coming in to your being. The closer it is to you, the sooner it will be felt. A few moments, hours, or as long as a few months.

Green is a growth color. it brings spring to mind. Like the new grass popping up out of the dark soil, small leaves stretching out from the barren branch-ends, as the last days of winter slumber fade and the renewal of life begins. Your future will be a growing time, a time for renewal, life springs forth. You are bringing in the healing energy to your life.

Center (experience)
The color seen over your head is what you experience for your self now. It is the color that would best describe you. If the color is high, it could mean aspirations, or what you wish to be.

--Spontaneity-- would best describe you. Yellow corresponds symbolically to the welcome warmth of sunlight. and exhilaration. Variability, expectancy originality, smiling, are the qualities most important to you.

Right Side (expression)
The color on the right side is traditionally the energy being expressed. The vibrational frequency most likely seen or felt by others around you. Many times, your friends will think this the energy that you are made of. However, it is what you are putting out to the world.

Healing energy being expressed. an expression of firmness, of constancy, and resistance to change.
--Elastic tension--.Possession is regarded as increasing both security and self esteem.
The person putting out this vibration is willing to work, to gain wealth in terms of educational, cultural, or physical attainments.

And I do have to give a plug for the guys who offered this cool service:

For more information on Aura's and what they mean, or for information on parties, programs or other private bookings of the AuraStar Camera, contact us at AuraStar, 3217 SW Westwood Ct. , Topeka, KS 66614, or telephone 785-273-2762